Dear RMYPS Community,

When our volunteer committee started to plan the return of our in-person Summit the world looked much different. Many of us had just started returning in a more full or ‘normal’ capacity to work. Traffic was creeping back onto I-25 and after the slow pace that 2020 brought we were excited to create a meaningful event that inspired action.

As the planning stages began our roster of speakers started to show us how much talent and passion had arisen in our city during the pandemic. From a sober-conscious bar in Jefferson Park, to career changes uncovered through a Facebook group and challenging the status quo with a shift of power in criminal justice reform. Our city is filled with inspiring leaders who are Taking Action to improve their own lives and the lives of others in their community. Our lineup of over 20 amazing speakers proved just that.

In recent months, we’ve learned the hard truths about returning to ‘business as usual’ in a post-pandemic world. Staffing shortages, supply chain issues, the mental health crisis and a litany of other challenges that need immediate attention, have woken many of us up to the realities of what is ahead. Many of you may also be experiencing these same challenges, while also dealing with a virus that is clearly still around.

When our volunteer committee began acknowledging these realities, not just for the Summit but also for each of us individually, it became clear that in order to organize a successful event we needed to take a step back. We needed to look at how we could best serve our speakers, sponsors, attendees and community at large. That brought us to the conclusion that in the best interest of everyone involved we needed to cancel the 2021 Summit.

This was not a decision we took lightly, but as a volunteer committee we knew it was the right decision to make at this time. We are so lucky to live in a city filled with inspiring stories, compassionate citizens and leaders that are committed to taking action. We value all of your support and know that the Summit will return in the future.